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The rapid growth of foreign trade import and export in Guangxi has further stabilized the confidence of foreign trade import and export enterprises

 广西Foreign trade import and exportThe rapid growth has further stabilized the confidence of foreign trade import and export enterprises, Nanning Customs released data on the 25th, the first three quarters of this year, Guangxi's foreign trade import and export volume reached 4911.800 million yuan, an increase of 27.7%, higher than the national average of 6%.9 percentage points, higher than the western region average。

  In the last three quarters, Guangxi's general trade, processing trade, border trade, bonded logistics import trade modes are stable and seek progress, and imports drive import and export growth 18.7%。Transaction volume 1491.700 million yuan, the general trade growth of 23.5%。Imports and exports were 1,203.900 million yuan, an increase of 57.9%。

  The rapid growth of Guangxi's foreign trade imports and exports is beneficial to the development of RCEP member countries。

  The rapid growth of foreign trade import and export in Guangxi has further stabilized the confidence of foreign trade import and export enterprises

  In import, mechanical and electrical, high-tech products, soybean imports, paper products and other characteristic industries to support the import and export of major commodities continued growth。In addition, Guangxi private enterprises import and export 3065.300 million yuan, an increase of 21%, accounting for 62 percent of Guangxi's total foreign trade.4%。Foreign enterprises import and export 835.800 million yuan, a rapid increase。

  Guangxi's exports to RCEP member countries grew well, with ASEAN imports and exports 2,376.400 million yuan, an increase of 26.8%。

  The import and export volume of the 13 cities in Guangxi maintained growth, and the total import and export volume of Chongzuo, Nanning and Fangchenggang ranked the top three in the region。In addition, the growth rate of Hechi, Liuzhou and Chongzuo city ranked the top three。

  The Guangxi Department of Commerce said that a series of policy measures to support the steady growth of foreign trade have achieved results, the reform of cross-border trade facilitation has been further deepened, the port operation environment has been continuously optimized, the confidence of market players has gradually increased, and the confidence of foreign trade enterprises in Guangxi has gradually increased。

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